
the cost of living crisis and your health

bearing the burden

the cost-of-living crisis is affecting everyone in the uk, but those with pulmonary hypertension are facing a two-fold blow to their finances.

as our 2019 research has already shown, the diagnosis alone results in loss of income for most – regardless of  the astronomical price hikes of recent months. this ‘double-whammy’ is causing huge distress to people already coping with a high symptom burden and navigating life with an incurable disease.

with the cost of living continuing to rise for everyone, we set out to discover how those with pulmonary hypertension are being affected – and where the biggest challenges lay. our survey aimed to identify specific areas in which we can help, and understand how we can focus our support in the most effective way.

responses were gathered in october and november 2022, and the results demonstrate a clear correlation between the cost-of-living crisis and declining health in the ph community. it’s vital that there is change. 

key findings:

93% of people with ph are worried about the cost-of-living crisis having an impact on their physical health. 90% are worried about it having an impact on their mental health.

33% of people with ph feel their disease symptoms have worsened due to the increasing costs of living.

78% of people with ph are concerned about meeting their rent or mortgage payments over the winter.

33% of people who take oxygen for their ph have reduced how much they take because they are concerned about the costs of electricity.

26% of people with ph say they are eating less healthily in order to save money

51% of people with ph are worried about being able to afford prescriptions over the next few months

94% of people with ph have reduced how often they have their heating on at home, in order to save money. 60% of these people say that feeling cold at home is making their ph symptoms worse.

read the report below

you can also view this report as a pdf here

in response to the findings of this survey, we have set up this online support hub to offer guidance, advice, and signposting.

a message to our members

as a charity dedicated to supporting people affected by pulmonary hypertension, we will do all we can within our power to help you through this difficult time.

upon analysing the results of this survey, we have acted quickly to build this online hub housing advice and guidance around the areas you told us matter to you most. we will continue to expand this resource.

we have already begun meeting with other national charities with a view to using the data from this survey to add weight to their political lobbying. we will continue to nurture these collaborations and ensure your voices are part of the calls for help and reform.

independently, we will also work hard to support you specifically in the ways you told us are most important.

the findings of this survey highlight the extent to which the cost-of-living crisis is already impacting the ph community. the stress and anxiety associated with these times are making disease symptoms worse, and 90% of you told us you are worried about the mental impact too. we promise to do all we can to help.

if you would like to discuss any aspect of this research, please email or call 01709 761450.