
proven benefits

the four-week overcoming worry & anxiety programme was the brainchild of dr gregg rawlings, a trainee psychologist at the time, who developed and tested the intervention as part of his phd studies.

how the study worked

the aim of the study was to test how effective the intervention is in helping people with ph manage their anxiety.

138 people with ph were recruited to the study from the uk, canada, america, india and the netherlands, and divided into two different groups. one group was asked to complete the self-help programme, whilst the other did not. both groups answered questions about their anxiety symptoms at the same points.

data was collected over an eight-month period between august 2020 and april 2021.  

the results

  • 100% of people who completed the programme reported that it helped them with their anxiety
  • 88% said they felt more in control of their anxiety
  • 92% felt that their friends and family would benefit from the intervention
  • 100% of participants would recommend the intervention to another person with ph
  • 90% of participants said they valued that the intervention was focused on ph

the study results have now been published in the european respiratory society’s prestigious journal, the erj. you can access the paper here.

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pha uk member