
proven benefits

this is the first ever self-help programme specifically for ph and depression. known as an ‘intervention’, it was developed and tested as part of a phd study carried out by dr abbie stark – who at the time was a trainee psychologist at cardiff university.

the study took place in 2022 and 2023 and tested the effectiveness of the intervention with a group of participants who all had ph alongside living with depression or low mood.

the group was split into two, with half completing this programme. clinical measures were used to assess levels of depression in both groups, to see whether working through this programme made a difference.

findings showed a significant reduction in depression in the group who completed this programme, compared to those who didn’t.

of those who participated in the study…

  • 87% said this programme was ‘good’ or ‘excellent’
  • 73% rated these booklets as ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ helpful overall
  • 87% said they valued that this programme is specific to pulmonary hypertension

feedback included:

the self-help intervention gave useful strategies to help maintain my mental health and to make sure i am doing what i need to do to support my physical and mental health.

i was able to make this journey on my own in the privacy of my own home and that helped to intensify my sense of achievement.

it enabled me to think about how my depression is affecting other parts of my life and reinforcing the cycle of depression.

“this intervention helped me to take control of the things which i could change and to accept what was outside my direct control. it taught me how to change my negative thoughts and reactions to adverse situations.”