one of the most effective ways of raising awareness of ph is by sharing your own experiences – either as someone diagnosed with ph, or as a family member / loved one.
you can share your story for ph week in the following ways:
please email and we will talk you through the process or send you some questions to answer. you can talk about any aspect of ph, and your blog will be published on our website and shared via our social media channels. if you have your own blog, please share your post with us and we will direct people to it.
film yourself, or ask someone to do it for you. all you need is a smartphone! tell the camera how ph affects you and your life, and email the video to or contact us for a number to share via whatsapp. we’ll share your video online to help more people understand this condition.
your local newspapers, news website and radio / tv outlets may be interested in sharing your story and it’s a great way of telling lots of people beplay体育ios版下载 .
you can use this template email or letter text to contact them.
top tips:
if you would like to share your story in another way, please email