
what if i disagree with the dvla’s decision?

it is understandably distressing to lose your driving licence. if you are told by the dvla that you must stop driving, they must:

  • explain why the decision has been made
  • tell you if and when you can reapply for a driving licence
  • tell you about your right to appeal against its decision.

if you disagree with the decision to revoke your driving licence you can write to the dvla at:

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you must provide relevant information that wasn’t included in the original assessment, for example, a letter from your consultant.

you must also include:

  • proof that you meet the required standards for driving (these will be explained in the decision letter dvla sent you)
  • the reference number from your decision letter.

making an appeal

if you want to formally appeal the decision, you will need to make a written application to your local magistrates court within 6 months of your licence being refused or revoked. you will need evidence, including medical evidence, to support your argument that the dvla made the wrong decision and that you are fit to drive.

whenever it comes to legal matters it is a good idea to get legal advice from a solicitor who specialises in motoring/driving offences before doing this to find out whether you have a good case. you can find a solicitor at  

legal aid

it’s worth noting that there is no legal aid available to appeal the dvla’s decision, so you will have to pay for any legal assistance. if you lose you might also have to pay the dvla’s legal costs, so the process can be expensive.

information correct at time of publication: march 2022