we are conducting a survey amongst people with pulmonary hypertension in the uk, to find out exactly where the biggest challenges are.
27 october 2022we have been made aware of a potential scam whereby some patients are being called by someone pretending to be from their hospital or medication delivery company, asking for their card details to pay for medications.
13 october 2022on friday 4th november we're bringing the uk's pulmonary hypertension community together, and with the theme of #ourvoicesmatter, we need everyone to make themselves heard.
4 october 2022an online exhibition curated by the pha uk will showcase memories and experiences of the pandemic, and submissions are being invited from across the ph community now.
3 august 2022the family of little phighter zac gunn are still celebrating after he received a national bravery award last month.
12 july 2022pha uk chair dr iain armstrong is training hard for a special swim challenge that will see him complete a mile of the serpentine lake in london’s hyde park.
6 july 2022