

#distanceaware campaign to encourage respect of social space

a new nhs initiative is aiming to help people politely prompt ongoing distancing and respect of individual social space.

10 august 2020

update: blood tests for ambrisentan, bosentan and macitentan

a message on behalf of the uk’s specialist centres ph patients have been shielded during the covid19 pandemic.  consequently in march, the uk centres all agreed to suspend blood testing for everyone prescribed an endothelin receptor antagonist (ambrisentan, bosentan or macitentan) .   the current government advice is for shielding to end on august 1st.  […]

3 july 2020

easing of shielding restrictions: our thoughts and advice

it is good news that due to a significant drop in the covid-19 infection rate, people with underlying conditions can now start to explore something of a more ‘normal’ way of life.

25 june 2020

sheffield nurses drop pounds for pounds in support of rare disease charity

press release: a pair of sheffield nurses have raised over £1700 for a rare disease charity after taking on a sponsored slim during the coronavirus crisis.

18 june 2020

our letter to robert jenrick, secretary of state for housing, communities and local government

a few days ago we told you we had received a reply from miriam cates mp, in response to our letter calling for people with pulmonary hypertension not to be forgotten during the easing of lockdown restrictions. in it she told us she had written to robert jenrick, secretary of state for housing, communities and […]

12 june 2020

standing up for those who are shielding: an update

earlier this month, we wrote to miriam cates, mp for the constituency in which the pha uk is based. we asked how, as restrictions start to lift, the government is going to ensure that those still shielding are recognised within the strategy to ending uk lockdown. you can read our letter here. today, 9th june […]

9 june 2020