the prime minister has announced significant changes to covid-19 regulations that will bring an end to all rules and restrictions in england.
22 february 2022the latest data from the national audit of pulmonary hypertension shows specialist treatment centres in great britain have maintained high standards through the covid-19 pandemic.
21 february 2022people with ph are being invited to take part in an important trial testing the effectiveness of supervised home exercise programmes.
9 february 2022adults over the age of 50 or with an underlying health condition who test positive for covid-19 are being urged to sign up for a world-first study into life-saving antiviral treatments.
25 january 2022a pha uk-supported study using remote monitoring technology to help patients get the best results from their ph medication has received the go-ahead from funders.
21 december 2021a global study has named the pha uk website the best quality ph association site in the world for information about pulmonary arterial hypertension.
15 december 2021