
useful documents

this section contains downloads of documents that may be of interest to you or your family and friends.

pha uk documents

pha uk membership form
fill in this form to join the beplay.asp (pha uk). you can also join online
membership form (pdf)

pha uk membership details form
if you are a member of the pha uk, we would like to know a little bit about you. information will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
membership details form (pdf)

pha uk information request form
the pha uk publishes a number of free information booklets and dvds. fill in this form if you would like to order any of our publications.

regular donation campaign form
if you would like to donate to the pha uk, please fill in this form. you can also donate online.
regular donation campaign form (pdf)

media relations guide
the pha uk has developed a media relations guide for its members to help them deal with situations involving the media.
media relations guide (pdf)

posters providing information about pulmonary hypertension (ph).
pulmonary hypertension informational a5 poster (1)
pulmonary hypertension informational a5 poster (2)

information about fundraising, including ideas for fundraising events.
fundraising ideas (pdf)

other documents
a quick guide to the home oxygen service, from oxygen suppliers, air products.
quick guide (pdf)

a quick guide to the home oxygen service for healthcare professionals, from oxygen suppliers, air products.
quick guide for healthcare professionals (pdf)