
our publications

the beplay.asp (pha uk) publishes a number of free information booklets, cds and dvds for people affected by pulmonary hypertension (ph).
if you would like a copy of any of our booklets or one (or more) of our dvds or cds, please fill in our publication request form.


listening-to-me-bookletlistening to me, listening to you.

a guide to deal with the emotional effects of ph.




understanding-ph-booklet-coverunderstanding pulmonary hypertension: information for patients

this 176-page booklet contains lots of information and advice for people affected by ph. sections include diagnosis of ph, ph treatments, useful contacts and definitions of medical terms.

clinical-trials-coverclinical trials and the future of pulmonary hypertension

this booklet contains an overview of clinical trials and how drugs are developed. it aims to answer any questions people with ph might have about clinical trials, including what is involved and how to enrol.

it-matters-to-me-coverit matters to me: a guide to relationships and intimacy for people with pulmonary hypertension.

the aim of this booklet is to explain how ph and its treatments can affect intimacy and relationships and provides advice on this subject.

membership-leaflet-coverpha uk members’ pack

if you join the pha uk, you will receive a members’ pack. the members’ pack contains lots of useful information including booklets about:

  • the pha uk
  • travelling with ph
  • day-to-day advice on living with ph
  • benefits and financial help.

membership of the pha uk is free.


understanding-ph-dvdunderstanding pulmonary hypertension: a guide to diagnosis and treatment

this dvd gives an explanation of ph, as well as showing the tests and investigations people may have when ph is being diagnosed.

ph-in-childrenunderstanding pulmonary hypertension in children: a guide to diagnosis and treatment

developed with the ph team at great ormond street hospital, this dvd aims to educate parents and children beplay体育ios版下载 . it focuses on the tests and investigations that children with ph may have, as well as the treatments available for children.

patient-storiespatient stories

this dvd contains four short films about patients and families and how ph affects their lives.

kittykitty goes to great ormond street hospital

this dvd is aimed at children with ph and features the green leaf crew. in the dvd, kitty, a member of the green leaf crew, shows you around great ormond street hospital. you see the places you may visit in the hospital and some of the staff you will meet.



cd containing guided relaxation exercises.